Things are tough all over right now. Many of us would love to get away, but finances are a real concern for much of the population. You want to plan an amazing trip, but you want to be sure you aren't risking your hard-earned money should you not be able to travel. Plus, how do you even afford to plan travel right now?
These are real worries that can prevent you from planning a much-needed vacation, which is sad. It has been proven that just having a vacation to look forward to can do wonders for your mood and motivation.
So, how do you responsibly plan a vacation in uncertain economic times?
I have a few ideas.
Plan ahead. Most resorts and cruise lines are booking travel through the end of 2022. You can usually book your trip with a small deposit and then you will be able to pay it off over time.
Choose refundable options. There is unprecedented flexibility in the travel industry right now. Most resorts, cruise, and even airline are offering refundable or changeable options at no extra cost. Choose one of these options when booking so that, if things don't go as planned, you can
Set up monthly automatic payments. Most resorts and cruise lines now have an options where you can set up monthly payments that will allow you to effortlessly pay your trip off over time.
Watch for discounts. In most cases, booking early doesn't mean that you can't take advantage of new discounts that are released. Keep abreast of the new offers and, if one is released, call in to have it applied to your trip. (Note: if you are working with your friendly, neighborhood travel agent -- me! -- I do this for you)
Yes, Virginia, you can confidently (and responsibly) plan your dream vacation now without worry. Let me show you all the best deals and options.
Ready to explore the possibilities? Contact me at 757-797-8747 or christine@moderntravelpros.com